Destination America’s: Poe-Ranormal Activity

  • Location: Alexandria VA
  • Requirements: 8-10 people - you must book the whole room if you don't want others to join you.
  • Price: $28 per person
  • Time Limit: 45 min
  • Difficulty Level: 7/10
Overall Rating:
Overall Rating:

Storyline & Theme


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"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." ~ Edgar Allan Poe Designed for 8 people (2 may be added if you reserve the whole room) You are a team of paranormal investigators from Discovery Channel's Destination America and have been given permission to enter Poe's old chambers to discover what happened to an historian who entered several years ago in search of a fabled 'Lost Manuscript' and was never heard from again! You will be given the latest technology in ghost detecting in order to assist in your quest. Good luck! *This room is family-friendly and not scary at all.

Theme Rating: 4.2/5


Why We Liked It:

*technology was clever
*differentiation of puzzles/clues
*theme was intentional and in the time period of Poe (except the technology aspects)
*game master was EXCELLENT!

Need to Know:

*a lot of red herrings
*clues and time are given through a walkie talkie (team is split up into two separate rooms with two separate walkie talkies)
*while we are experienced players, we needed almost constant clarifications to solve the room
*some of the technology is delayed/faulty and took it a while for it to "activate" - if we didn't have an awesome gamemaster that said to try again, we would have moved on 

  • Clue Preservation?: No
  • Handicap Accessible?: Yes
  • Worth Playing?: Yes

Puzzle Types

Various Locks, Technology Enhanced, Ciphers, Visual Puzzles, Riddles, Logic/Clue Based Puzzles

Players in Attendance

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