
  • Location: Herndon VA
  • Requirements: 6-8 people - you must book the whole room if you don't want others to join you.
  • Price: $28 per person
  • Time Limit: 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: 8/10
Overall Rating:
Overall Rating:

((NOTE: Dreamscape is no longer able to be played. Last Hope replaced it in July 2017.))

Storyline & Theme


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Your company has developed a secret technology that allows you to journey inside of someone’s dreams. Even before you were able to make it safe to use, a corporate spy has stolen it from you. Your team must risk everything to get this back before it falls into the wrong hands. Be warned, your team will only have 60 minutes to get in, retrieve our secrets, and get out. We don’t have the technology yet to pull you back so if you don’t get out in time, you will be lost forever in the void of subconsciousness. A challenging room for some. Might be tough for beginners. Recommend for 6-8 players.

Theme Rating: 8/10


Why We Liked It:

*puzzles/clues were interesting and fun to solve
*clues are on a monitor prompted by the game master that is watching you, meaning they know EXACTLY where you are in the game and can help you! (aka: no waiting around or explaining to them) 
*theme was intentional, innovative, and well-thought out 

Need to Know:

*some puzzles will take some time to solve 
*very detail-oriented
*team members were able to work on multiple puzzles at the same time

  • Clue Preservation?: Yes
  • Handicap Accessible?: No
  • Worth Playing?: Yes

Puzzle Types

Various Locks, Technology Enhanced, Ciphers, Visual Puzzles, Riddles, Logic/Clue Based Puzzles, Timer in the Room

Players in Attendance

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