Escape Detention

  • Location: Leesburg VA
  • Requirements: 4-8 people - you must book the whole room if you don't want others to join you.
  • Price: $29 per person
  • Time Limit: 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: 7/10
Overall Rating:
Overall Rating:

Storyline & Theme


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Everyone gets in trouble at some point. What you do when you find yourself locked in a classroom with the other unruly students is up to you. Know one thing though, in a hour the monitor will return and you will never get out. Whether you are a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess or a criminal, it is up to you to start a ruckus and escape detention.

Theme Rating: 4/5


Why We Liked It:

*differentiation of puzzles/clues 
*unique escape / picture afterwards with prop 
*theme was a classroom 

Need to Know:

*A LOT of red herrings 
*intercom clues from game master needed to complete the clue
*timer on your phone
*some puzzles/clues didn't make sense on how to use or solve

  • Clue Preservation?: No
  • Handicap Accessible?: No
  • Worth Playing?: No

Puzzle Types

Various Locks, Math Skills, Technology Enhanced, Visual Puzzles, Riddles, Logic/Clue Based Puzzles

Players in Attendance

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