Sherlock Holmes: A Matter of Time

  • Location: Alexandria VA
  • Requirements: 8-10 people
  • Price: $28 per person
  • Time Limit: 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: 7/10
Overall Rating:
Overall Rating:

Storyline & Theme


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Sherlock has summoned you to his study to assist on a case he has almost finished. You arrive to find him missing yet know he was recently there... the scotch glasses still have ice in them. Can you discover where he is in time?

Theme Rating: 3.2/5


Why We Liked It:

*various puzzles and clues
*we can work on multiple things at a time (not linear)
*props were interesting to look at

Need to Know:

*items were too modern for a Sherlock room
*clues were given through a phone you had to dial and the room was extremely warm
*some puzzles/clues were difficult to solve because there weren't enough clues to guide us, especially the final puzzle (some were very detail-oriented, some we had no idea where to start)

Is It Worth Playing? MAYBE (We personally didn't like it, but others might--NOT for beginners)

*Note: We were offered a credit for a new game in coorelation with this game.*

  • Clue Preservation?: No
  • Handicap Accessible?: Yes
  • Worth Playing?: No

Puzzle Types

Various Locks, Technology Enhanced, Ciphers, Visual Puzzles, Riddles, Logic/Clue Based Puzzles, Timer in the Room

Players in Attendance

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