The Wizarding World of Woodbridge: Chapter 1

  • Location: Woodbridge VA
  • Requirements: Must be at least 4 people to book
  • Price: $28 per person
  • Time Limit: 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Level:
Overall Rating:
Overall Rating:

Storyline & Theme


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Our journey begins long before the Sorcerers Stone. Recent archeological discoveries found in Woodbridge VA have revealed an untold local history dating back to the early 1600's. According to a series of unusual documents found within a capsule buried in what is now Lake Ridge VA; a team of 3 Wizards, seeking creative and political refuge in the New World, created a magical outpost in the ancient forest of Tidewater Virginia. Their laboratory, safely hidden underground, allowed them to exist unnoticed for centuries. During this time the wizards focused their efforts on the creation of The Elixir Arcanum. Sometimes called the fountain of youth, this elixir had healing and regenerative properties which would bestow immortality to any who drank of it. After many years, they succeeded. One wizard, who had witnessed the ill-treatment of the native people by the European settlers devised a plan to take the Elixir for himself. He sought to disguise himself as an immortal sun god; offering the natives protection from the colonists in exchange for unconditional power. Fortunately, his partners had suspected early on that their comrade had darker intentions for the Elixir and created a series of protective measures to ensure it's safety. Enraged, the Rogue Wizard fled Virginia, vowing to return one day to take what was rightfully his so that he may rule over the New World. Among the artifacts concealed within the capsule was a map leading to a location labeled simply "Center of the Universe". We have found that location right here at Tackett's Mill with the Elixir Arcanum still intact! HometownGo proudly presents a magical adventure of wit, skill and teamwork for all those who dare to learn the secrets of the Elixir and the wizards who created it.

Theme Rating: 5/5


Why We Liked It:

  • "Cloaking Station" where you can pick wizard robes
  • Each ticket includes a complimentary warm mug of butterbeer!

Need to Know:

  • Ages 10+ with Adult supervision
  • Typical age range: 15 - Adult
  • Tickets Include One FREE Cup of Hot Butter Beer
  • Clue Preservation?: Yes
  • Handicap Accessible?: Yes
  • Worth Playing?: Yes

Puzzle Types

Ciphers, Riddles, Logic/Clue Based Puzzles

Players in Attendance

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